Patricia Hinton Walker, ICF Coach Trainer at Mentor Coach LLC. Patricia and I will be discussing how to be resilient in a world of uncertainty. She will share with us practical ways to take care of ourselves when we come face to face with challenging experiences.
Patricia Hinton Walker, PhD, FAAN, MCC, CBCC, NBC-HWC is an accomplished coach, Owner/Director of Coaching Stepping Stones and ICF Coach Trainer at MentorCoach LLC, Bethesda, where she teaches positive psychology-related coaching courses and provides leadership for the Health and Wellness Coaching Certification program. She represents MentorCoach on the advisory board to National Board for Health &Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). Pat is one of a few approved, internationally certified Body-Centered Coach Trainers and integrates this approach into her coaching. In addition to the MCC, Pat is certified as an executive coach (CEC) in Social-Emotional Intelligence Coaching, (SEI), wellness (CWC) and body-centered, neuro-science related coaching (CBCC).
As a former dean, university vice president and organizational consultant, Pat is a recognized leader, academic executive, coach, speaker, university health professions educator and author nationally and internationally. She has an established coaching/consulting business and integrates principles from resilience and health and wellness coaching into her executive, career and life-transition coaching and mentoring with national and international clients. She teaches leadership, health informatics, health policy and health promotion/coaching to graduate and undergraduate students in university and online classrooms. Pat resides in Atlanta, GA area and continues to provide periodic coaching/consulting with the Veterans Administration and has an ongoing relationship with the Department of Defense.